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Projects & Clients

The following projects have been delivered successfully for our clients in the last two to three years.
Image by Markus Spiske
Safeguarding Modules & Facilitator Training
World Triathlon

Brook Sport Consulting developed three online safeguarding modules for World Triathlon's Education Hub. Level 1 - Understanding Safeguarding in Triathlon. Level 2 - Good Practice in Safeguarding in Triathlon. Level 3 - Safeguarding Women and Girls in Triathlon.


Brook Sports Consulting updated their facilitator training and delivered a bended learning facilitator training course in English and Spanish including a three day face to face course.

Soccer Practice
Safeguarding & Football Academies
FIFA Guardians

Brook Sport Consulting is assisting FIFA in the development of safeguarding guidelines for Football Academies.  We are also assisting in the assessment of safeguarding at proposed Football Academies or talent development centres in Africa.

Image by Victoire Joncheray
Performance Review
Triathlon Canada

Brook Sport Consulting conducted an Independent Review of Triathlon Canada's High Performance and Talent Development Programs post the Olympic and Paralympic Games held in 2021.


The review examined performance standards, philosophy/culture, relationships, talent-performance pathway, high performance centres, competition pathway, coach development, performance leadership team, and governance.

Safeguarding Mentorship Pilot
International Safeguards for Children in Sport

As part of our pro bono work, Brook Sport Consulting is delivering a mentorship pilot program for the International Safeguards for Children in Sport.  Working in partnership with World Triathlon and the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation, mentorship training is being delivered to 12 mentors utilizing the World Triathlon Education Hub.


Each trained mentor is then working with a mentee, a safeguarding focal point,  from a sport or sport for development organizations that is seeking to establish a safeguarding culture and implement safeguarding measures for children in sport.

Technical Assistance
Sport for Social Change Network Africa

Brook Sport Consulting has been appointed by the Sport for Social Change Network to provide Technical Assistance focused the expansion of the network, business planning, resource mobilisation as well as monitoring and evaluation.


The project is being supported by the AFD - Agence Française de Développement

Young Soccer Player
Safeguarding Training
FIFA Guardians

Norman Brook, Brook Sport Consulting, has joined the team of facilitators interacting with FIFA Learners on the FIFA Guardians Online Safeguarding Courses.


The FIFA Guardians courses were developed and are delivered by the Open University with three courses currently available in three languages and three categories of learner.

Image by Alyssa Ledesma
Football for Schools

FIFA Football for Schools follows a two-tier approach encompassing the promotion of physical education and life skills messages. The programme has been developed to support teachers through the provision of education and instructional materials.


Brook Sport Consulting provided support to this programme providing input on life skills, safeguarding and inclusion.

Move4Life Resources
Dynamic Development Solutions

Commonwealth Moves is an initiative of the Commonwealth Secretariat aimed at taking physical education, sport and physical activity resources online.


Brook Sport Consulting has worked with Dynamic Development Services to create 12 Move4Life sessions adapting existing Sport4life and PE4Life materials for access online.

Image by Victoire Joncheray
Mentorship Training
World Triathlon

Brook Sport Consulting is delivering a global mentorship training program for World Triathlon.  As a result of the COVID 19 pandemic the program has moved online and is providing training and support to 120 mentors from 5 continents over six cohorts.


Mentorship training is being provided to coaches, technical officials and others in leadership roles and there is a focus on the inclusion of women, people with disabilities and people from developing nations.

Image by Seth Doyle
QPE Resources & Safeguarding
GIZ Kenya & GIZ Namibia

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Sport for Development in Africa project aims to contribute to development goals in selected African countries.


Brook Sport Consulting is working with the GIZ in Kenya and Namibia supporting the implementation of Quality Physical Education (QPE) policies, developing QPE resources and supporting the implementation of safeguarding in sport.

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International Sports Volunteers Induction
St Andrews University

The University of St Andrews runs a successful sports volunteering programme that sees students volunteering at the university, in the local community and culminates in an international sport for development experience in Zambia or South Africa
Brook Sport Consulting developed and delivered an in-country induction training for the university's sport for development students volunteering overseas.

Safeguarding in Sport Conference

The Safeguarding in Sport Conference was held in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa with the aim of increasing awareness of safeguarding in sport in Africa and mobilising national sports organisations to adopt policies and implement good practice.


Brook Sports Consulting partnered with SASCOC and International Sports Organisations to deliver this highly successful conference.

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Pass It Back Evaluation
ChildFund Australia

ChildFund Pass It Back (CFPIB) is ChildFund Australia’s (CFA) award-winning sport for development programme being delivered in Asia through a partnership with World Rugby, Asia Rugby and Women Win.


Brook Sport Consulting was asked to conduct an evaluation of this programme with regard to it's effectiveness in safeguarding and gender inclusion.

Image by Quino Al
Gender inclusion Review
ChildFund Australia & Asia Rugby

ChildFund Australia's partnership with Asia Rugby includes providing support  around gender inclusion.


Brook Sport Consulting conducted a review of gender inclusion in Asia Rugby in order to make recommendations for the organisation to improve its ability to educate and assist member unions on gender inclusion practice.

Image by Patrick Hendry
Peace at the Crease
Commonwealth Secretariat

Peace at the Crease is an initiative of the Commonwealth Secretariat aimed at maximising the impact of cricket as a tool for development, diplomacy and peacebuilding in the Commonwealth.


Brook Sport Consulting successfully delivered a Quality Assurance & Activity Delivery Manual for this new initiative.

Safeguarding in Sport & S4D in Kenya
GIZ Sport 4 Development Africa

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Sport for Development in Africa project aims to contribute to development goals in selected African countries.


Brook Sport Consulting  delivered a Baseline Survey on Safeguarding in sports and sport for development in Kenya for the GIZ.

Image by Eugene Lim
Safeguarding Policy & Implementation
South African Gymnastics 

The South African Gymnastics Federation (SAGF) has developed a safeguarding policy and implemented a range of measures aimed at safeguarding all participants in the sport especially children and vulnerable adults.


Brook Sport Consulting was asked to lead on the development of the safeguarding policy and measures ensuring they were contextualised for South Africa.

Image by Simon Connellan
Commissaire Facilitator Training
Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI)

The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) is responsible for international cycling competitions. Commissaires are the sport's technical officials responsible for officiating at international competitions and maintaining the UCI's highest standards.


Brook Sports Consulting has trained the UCI's facilitators responsible for delivering Commissaire training.

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International Practitioner Training
UK Sport

UK Sport’s International Partnership Programme involves individuals travelling overseas to deliver training, attend meetings or act as ambassadors for the programme.


Brook Sports Consulting has developed a training package to prepare  International Practitioners for their international placements.

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